
Fighting dizziness with vertigo physical therapy

Fighting Dizziness With Vertigo Physical Therapy

If you have vertigo, it can start to feel like it’s taken over your life. The constant dizzy spells and instability, as well as associated symptoms like headaches and nausea, can all take a serious toll. Vertigo doesn’t have to run your life, though. 

By working with a physical therapist, you can learn to successfully manage your condition and regain an active lifestyle. 

How physical therapy for vertigo treatment works 

Vertigo is commonly caused by an imbalance in the inner ear that disrupts the vestibular system. The vestibular system, along with the eyes and musculoskeletal system, gives your brain the input to maintain your balance. Vertigo can also be related to head trauma, ear infections and migraines, among other causes. When you first meet with a therapist for vertigo physical therapy, he or she can work with you to gain a better understanding of your specific problems and how the vertigo is affecting your life. You can also expect to undergo balance and movement tests to establish baselines for treatment. 

Vertigo physical therapy is designed to improve functioning and coordination in the body while also teaching practical techniques to help overcome dizzy spells. Common treatment methods include: 

  • Maneuvers to correct the issue in the inner ear
  • Gaze stability exercises
  • Exercises to allow you to adapt and use your body to compensate for the inner ear loss of function
  • Exercises to improve an imbalance or unsteadiness that you have with moving
  • Habituation exercises

By working closely with your therapist and taking a proactive approach to fighting dizziness, you can start to walk on firmer footing and get back to enjoying your favorite people and activities. 

 Franklin Rehabilitation — your vertigo physical therapy experts

Patients dealing with vertigo can find the treatment that gets them back to a higher level of activity at Franklin Rehabilitation. From the moment you walk through the door, our friendly staff will ensure that you feel welcome and that you have answers to any questions about your care. We believe in providing individualized, collaborative treatment that helps you feel empowered and engaged as a patient. Ready to start your fight against dizzy spells and vertigo? Contact us today. One of our representatives will be glad to help you schedule your initial appointment at the location that is right for you.