
Four tips for how to get rid of a kink in your neck

How to get rid of a kink in your neck

It’s easy to think of that kink in the neck as a minor nuisance and that you should just live with it. Whether it’s a long car trip, working in the yard or sleeping in a different bed, all of us have probably dealt with a little bit of a stiff or sore neck at one time or another. As long as it’s infrequent and goes away quickly, it’s probably not something to be overly concerned about. 

What you need to watch out for is seemingly minor neck problems occurring more frequently and becoming more serious. If you’re wondering how to get rid of a kink in the neck, it’s a good sign that you could benefit from professional assistance. Physical therapists are experts in the structure and function of your neck and can be a great resource. 

What therapists recommend on how to get rid of a kink in the neck

When you meet with a physical therapist for any type of neck issue, he or she will first need to gauge the sources of your pain and other symptoms. After a physical examination, discussion of symptoms and review of your medical history, your therapist should be able to gain a better understanding of the source of the kink in your neck. 

Here are some of the recommendations you might receive as part of a physical therapy program: 

  1. Focus on your posture — Poor neck posture causes increased stress that results in kinks and other aches. With posture training you can learn how to decrease the stress on your neck and reduce symptoms. 
  2. Improve your flexibility — Sometimes a kink in the neck can be the result of stiffness. Therapists have special techniques to help you stretch and mobilize joints and soft tissue. Understand that the shoulder girdle and neck are intertwined and if you are tight in the shoulder area it will contribute to tightness in the neck.
  3. Strengthen your shoulder girdle — Kinks in the neck can also be related to weak supporting muscles in the shoulder girdle.  This weakness will cause you to change how you reach, which will compress and stress the neck. 
  4. Address ergonomic factors — Craning your neck for hours a day due to an improper posture when working at a computer or spending too much time on your phone can result in “text neck.” A physical therapist can help you discuss and identify everyday hurdles to your neck health. 

To get the most out of your physical therapy plan to get rid of a kink in the neck, you need to find a therapist who understands your particular needs and treatment goals to get you back to doing what you love. 

Franklin Rehabilitation can help you find relief from all types of neck pain

At Franklin Rehabilitation, we’re passionate about delivering patient-centered care. When you come to us to get rid of a kink in the neck, we’ll work with you closely to ensure you receive a personalized treatment plan from an expert. 

Contact us today to schedule your initial appointment at the location that’s right for you.