
How physical therapy can help treat neck pain

How to get rid of a kink in your neck

Your neck is made up of muscles, ligaments, tendons, bones and joints that all work together to perform a very important role in your body: keeping your head up. This is hard to do though when your neck is in pain.

Neck pain can be related to many causes because of the different parts that make up your neck. For example, pain may be caused by a torn or stretched muscles or it may be related to a spinal condition like a slipped disc.

Often, neck pain is minor and can be treated with rest, icing and heating and over-the-counter medicine. However, when neck pain is severe or caused by a serious condition, you will need professional treatment. Many people choose physical therapy to help treat their neck pain.

How does physical therapy help people with neck pain?

Physical therapists, like those at Franklin Rehabilitation, are healthcare professionals who work with the muscles, bones, joints, tendons and ligaments to treat a variety of conditions, including neck pain.

Physical therapy treatments are customized to the needs of each patient, so they all look a little different. Generally, the goal is to strengthen and stretch the muscles, but depending on your needs, your treatment may include much more, like hot and cold therapy or dry needling. At Franklin Rehabilitation, our neck pain treatments will help:

  • Improve strength and flexibility — Many cases of neck pain are related to over-strained muscles and ligaments that could benefit from stretching and exercising. Strengthening these muscles and ligaments will also help reduce pressure from the spine, which may be another source of pain.

  • Reduce pain — Hands-on therapy, massage, dry needling and other techniques will be used to help reduce your neck pain.

  • Improve posture — Poor posture is a direct contributor to neck pain. You can reduce and prevent neck pain with some simple changes in the way you stand, sit and sleep.

  • Avoid surgery — Relieving neck pain with physical therapy can help reduce the chances of needing surgery to correct the condition affecting your neck.

Contact Franklin Rehabilitation for neck pain treatment

Are you tired of suffering from chronic neck pain? At Franklin Rehabilitation, our team will work with you to develop a personalized treatment to help reduce your pain and improve your quality of life. Contact us today if you’re ready to schedule an appointment.