
How can you treat fibromyalgia naturally?

Natural Fibromyalgia Treatment

There are many options for fibromyalgia patients who are searching for natural treatment. One of these options is to work with a physical therapist. 

Fibromyalgia is a condition where patients develop pain points in specific areas of the body. Aside from pain, this issue can trigger sleep difficulties, fatigue, and memory and mood problems. Fibromyalgia is a fairly common problem for Americans; it’s reported that up to 12 million U.S. adults are currently affected by this chronic pain condition. 

Physical therapists can help you learn why you should consider natural treatment options for your fibromyalgia. In addition, these medical professionals can help you use many natural techniques to address your fibromyalgia symptoms

Why should you use natural treatment options for your fibromyalgia?

Although medications are commonly used to help people deal with their fibromyalgia symptoms, there are reasons that relying on medication can be problematic. The most common reason people seek out natural remedies is to avoid taking medication, and there’s a good reason for this desire. 

It’s possible that even over-the-counter (OTC) medications can cause side effects in some users. Such side effects are especially likely if OTC meds are used for long periods of time. Side effects are also more likely if you exceed the daily recommended dosage. Natural treatment options can help you avoid medication side effects that you might experience including:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting 
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach pain
  • Loss of appetite
  • Liver damage

What natural treatment techniques can physical therapists offer for fibromyalgia?

Physical therapists are trained to use natural techniques to address musculoskeletal disorders, such as fibromyalgia. Often, techniques are often combined in a physical therapy plan to help patients benefit as much as possible. A couple of the physical therapy methods your plan may include are: 

  • Posture training that focuses on decreasing poor posture that can trigger fibromyalgia symptoms. 

Franklin Rehab offers effective fibromyalgia treatment

Keen to find natural treatment for your fibromyalgia symptoms? Our Franklin Rehabilitation team is primed to help you find the natural treatment you’re so eagerly looking for. We can do a free screening on you to determine how fibromyalgia is affecting you and your life. Furthermore, our physical therapists are adept at constructing customized therapy plans that can: 

  • Reduce pain.
  • Improve flexibility.
  • Increase your ability to do normal daily tasks. 
  • Minimize symptom flare-ups. 

Contact our team today for more information about the fibromyalgia treatment we offer or to schedule an initial appointment.