
What can a physical therapist do for my lower back and hip pain?

Lower Back Hip Pain

Does bending over to pick up a pen you dropped on the floor cause you lower back and hip pain? Do you feel this pain when you’re walking around the house? If you answered yes to these questions, then you should consider seeing a physical therapist. 

Separately, lower back, or lumbar, pain and hip pain can be difficult to deal with, and there are many people who have one type of pain or the other. Research shows that approximately 31 million Americans are currently suffering from lumbar pain. Another study reports that up to 40% of adults who play sports experience hip pain. Dealing with both lumbar and hip pain can be even more difficult than dealing with one of them. Physical therapists can do a lot to help people suffering from this combination of pain. 

Five ways physical therapists can help with your lower back and hip pain

  1. Determining its cause — Treating lumbar and hip pain is much tougher if you don’t know the cause of it. Often, issues like sciatica, osteoarthritis or muscle injuries are responsible for this pain combo. A physical therapist can evaluate the affected areas of your body and determine what exactly is causing your pain.
  1. Decreasing your pain — Another way your physical therapist can help you is by working to reduce your pain. Manual therapy techniques are a tool physical therapists can use to address your pain. These techniques involve your therapist using their hands to manipulate your lower spine and hip in various ways. 
  1. Improving flexibility — Lower back and hip problems often occur because of a lack of flexibility. Physical therapists can use manual therapy to help improve your flexibility. They may also show you how to do therapeutic stretching and range-of-motion exercises. Such exercises can also help you build and maintain greater flexibility. 
  1. Increasing muscle strength — The lumbar spine and hip joints are both supported by muscles. Weakness in these muscles can cause misalignment and pain in both areas. Your physical therapist can assist you in strengthening your lower back and hip muscles. They can do so by showing you how to do a range of therapeutic strengthening exercises. 
  1. Preventing future pain — Your physical therapist can help you take steps to avoid future lower back and hip pain. For one thing, they can educate you on activities and factors that are more likely to cause these types of pain. They can also armor you against future back and hip issues by improving your flexibility and strengthening your muscles. 

Find effective treatment for your lower back and hip pain at Franklin Rehab

Looking for physical therapy for your lower back and hip pain? Our physical therapists at Franklin Rehabilitation are ready and willing to help you address this combination of pain. We offer free screenings designed to pinpoint the source of your pain. In addition, our specialists are adept at creating unique therapy plans designed to help you in all the ways discussed above and more. 

Contact our team today for more information about how we can assist with lumbar and hip discomfort or to schedule an initial appointment.