What could be causing my sore lower back?

Have you recently noticed that your lower back is sore at the end of the day? It’s important to find out what is causing your back to ache before it gets even worse.
It may be comforting to know that you aren’t the only person with lower back pain. The American Chiropractic Association reports that at any given time, about 31 million people in the U.S. have lower back pain. A benefit that comes from so many people having aching backs is that it’s easier to find effective help.
Physical therapists can help you learn what is causing your sore lower back. These medical professionals can also help you get effective treatment for your lower back pain.
Three things that could be causing your sore lower back:
- Working from home — The COVID-19 pandemic is finally starting to recede. But that doesn’t mean that millions of people aren’t still working from home. In some cases, homebound workers don’t have ergonomic chairs or workstations. They may also only have their laptop to work on. These factors can lead to hours spent with poor lower back posture that can leave you aching and stiff.
- New movements — The pandemic has also given many people the chance to try new types of exercise. Their likely goal was to try to relieve some of the stress caused by the pandemic. They may also have been trying to get healthier. Yet the movements that certain types of new exercise require can be tough on your lower back. Even something as gentle as yoga can leave you aching the next day if it’s new to you.
- New babies — Having a new baby is a joyous event, and it can lead to lots of great things. However, there are many ways that having a new baby can also cause lower back pain.
For instance, you’ll probably spend lots of time holding your baby, which can put stress on your lower back. Some parents may also spend hours sitting with poor posture when feeding their baby or rocking them to sleep. Such things as this can easily lead to an outbreak of lower back pain.
Franklin Rehab is ready to help treat your sore lower back
Have recent life events caused you to develop a sore lower back? Our Franklin Rehabilitation team is ready and willing to help you find effective treatment for your pain. We’ll start by doing a free screening on you. This allows our physical therapists to determine the source of your lower back pain. Then, our team will build you an individualized therapy plan intended to reduce your pain and prevent it from returning.
Contact our team today for more information about our lower back pain treatment options or to schedule an initial appointment.