
4 winter safety tips for preventing slips, trips and falls in the workplace

Winter Slips Trips and Falls Safety Tips

While workplace safety should always be a priority, the winter season presents new challenges when preventing accidents in the workplace. Slips and falls are one of the most common causes of workplace injuries, accounting for 27% of all workplace injuries in 2019 that required time away from work. These injuries can result in lost productivity, as well as pain and discomfort that continues long after the incident has occured.

How can I prevent workplace slips, trips and falls during the winter?

  1. Check for slip hazards indoors — Snow and ice can be tracked inside and melted, causing a slip hazard. Make sure that all walkways are kept dry, and that wet floor signs are employed when necessary. Clean up any spills right away to prevent slips, trips and falls.
  1. Walk in well-lit areas — It can be difficult to see ice in the dark, posing a risk of slipping and falling. Try to avoid unlit areas when walking outdoors in the winter, and keep to clear, well-lit paths.
  1. Wear safe shoes — Smooth-soled shoes and high heels may cause you to slip and fall when you step onto snow and ice. Wear shoes with deep treads and low heels during the winter.
  1. Take care if you have reduced mobility — Many older people suffer from reduced mobility and joint stiffness. If you suffer from an injury, arthritis, or other condition that limits your movement, you may be at greater risk of slips, trips, and falls during the winter.

Am I at greater risk of falling?

There are a number of factors that may contribute to a greater risk of slips, trips and falls, especially during the winter months. A fall risk assessment can be performed at any time by our team of physical therapists at Franklin Rehabilitation. We can determine what medical conditions you have that may put you at greater risk for falls, and can help you reduce your risk through balance training and other forms of physical therapy.

Contact us today to schedule a free screening to determine what your risk factors are, and what we can do to help keep you safe in the workplace.