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March 20, 2019
5 Benefits of Therapeutic Massage for Athletes
As an athlete, you already know that you’ve got to maintain optimal health if you want to keep playing the sport you love. Physical therapy with an experienced physical therapist...
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March 10, 2019
Don’t Let Pain Stop You From Getting Back in the Game!
Get rid of the pain by partnering up with a physical therapist. Give Franklin Rehab a call today to learn more about how our physical therapists can get you on...
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January 20, 2019
5 Ways Physical Therapy Can Put the Spring Back in Your Step!
Do you currently have an acute or chronic pain condition affecting your daily life? Maybe you’re struggling with back pain, a sports injury or impairments following an auto accident. Perhaps...
Blog, Uncategorized |
September 10, 2018
Why Nutrition is Key to Strong Performance
Whether you’ve made use of Franklin Rehabilitation services in the past, you’re a current physical therapy patient, or you’re a Michigan athlete who may need a physical therapist in the...
Blog, Uncategorized |
September 8, 2017
Manage Your Chronic Condition With Physical Therapy
Regain your ability to do activities you love Do you have chronic pain or a neurological condition such as Parkinson’s, muscular dystrophy or multiple sclerosis (MS), or have you suffered...
Uncategorized, Blog, Fall Prevention |
February 9, 2017
Learning how to fall
How you can prevent serious injuries by learning the “best” way to fall If a fall is inevitable, you might as well do it gracefully. Rare is the individual...
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October 13, 2014
Getting Off On The “Wrong Foot” Can Set You Back.
64% Of People Report Substantial Decrease In Back Pain And Faster Recovery When Treatment Incorporates An Exercise Program. Studies Show Exercise Relieves Back Pain, Decreases Cardiac Risk, Reduces Blood Pressure...