Uncategorized, Blog, Fall Prevention |
February 9, 2017
Learning how to fall
How you can prevent serious injuries by learning the “best” way to fall If a fall is inevitable, you might as well do it gracefully. Rare is the individual...
Uncategorized |
January 19, 2017
Try Exercise Before Popping More Meds
Exercise is beneficial for many different aches and pains. Many new studies are coming out about the benefits of exercise. The beauty of it is it’s never too late to start....
Blog, Vertigo |
November 30, 2016
You CAN Make the Spinning Stop
If you or someone you know struggles with dizziness, you may have discovered it can be an incredibly difficult and lengthy process to figure out what the actual cause and...
Blog |
October 10, 2016
EOB – What Does It Mean?
Understanding all the information needed to completely grasp the individual benefits of a person’s health insurance can be daunting at best for most people. Each health plan is different and...
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September 9, 2016
Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder (TMJD)
Temporal Mandibular Joint Disorder affects the joint directly in front of your ear. The TMJ is a hinge that connects your jaw to the Temporal bones of your skull which...
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August 1, 2016
Dry Needling to Relieve Painful Muscle Knots
Have you ever felt knots in your muscles that are tender when you press on them and wondered why they are there? These sore to the touch bumps or knots...
Blog |
July 1, 2016
Health Benefits of Water Intake During Injury Recovery
We have all been told a million times that water is good for us. But did you ever stop to consider what could go wrong if you don’t have enough...
Blog |
June 3, 2016
RIP Back and Neck Fusions
Back in the day, when I graduated from Physical Therapy school, most back surgeries were laminectomies and spinal fusion was pretty much unheard of as a procedure. The laminectomy was...
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May 9, 2016
Stronger After Stroke
“We are what we repeatedly do. We are what we repeatedly think.” This quote was on the projection screen as I and two other therapists from Franklin Rehabilitation sat...
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March 8, 2016
Preparing Your Body for Spring Yardwork
The snow is finally melting for good! El Niño was pretty nice to us this year so back in January, you may have already begun clearing your yard of sticks,...